[Nasm-devel] Is that a bug? add ax, 10

Tim Petschauer tim.petschauer at posteo.net
Thu Mar 30 08:24:53 PDT 2023


after some thinking before falling asleep, I now believe my assumptions 
make a lot less sense.

Since the width of the immediate data added to the accumulator depends 
on the accumulator used, "add reg_ax, imm" instruction would use 3 bytes 
for 8 bit immediates anyways. So there are no savings here.

However, I'm still interested in why the add rm16, imm8 instruction is 
choosen in these cases over the add reg_ax, imm? Is it because there's 
no need to widen the immediate to 16 bits in that case?

Best regards


Am 29.03.23 um 21:52 schrieb Tim Petschauer:
> @mods:
> Sorry, used the wrong sender address the first time.
> Hey there,
> I stumbled upon something that might be a bug in the selection of the 
> correct, i.e. shortest, bytecode for adding 8 bit immediates to a 
> larger accumulator. At least in the 'bits 16' mode which I'm using at 
> the moment.
> Examples follow:
> bits 16
> add ax, 10    ---> 83 c0 0a
> add ax, 1000 ---> 05 e8 03
> So for the first instruction the opcode for "add rm16, imm8" is 
> choosen, but I think "add reg_ax, imm" can be a byte shorter if it is 
> not wide.
> The second instruction is working as expected.
> So if that's a bug, I have a couple thoughts on how to fix it:
> Since the instuction matching works by moving sequentially through all 
> the ADD instructions and "add rm16, imm8" is listed before the "add 
> reg_ax, imm" the matcher would stop at the first match and just use 
> what it had found.
> However, since there is not explicit "add reg_ax, imm8" opcode in the 
> instruction data files, the accumulator addition might produce 3 bytes 
> anyway and all of this wouldn't matter, except someone saw the need to 
> implement such an opcode (or maybe the "add reg_ax, imm8" already can 
> handle 8 bits).
> I skimmed the data files for the related instructions (or, adc, sbb 
> ...) and they seem to have the same structure, so this probably isn't 
> a bug. But I wanted to ask about it anyway so I might get an answer 
> why this handling of 8bit adds to a 16 bit accumulator was choosen.
> Best regards
> Tim Petschauer
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