[Nasm-devel] Referring to an extern named 'wait'

Scott Graham sgraham at h4ck3r.net
Thu Mar 9 19:39:19 PST 2023


I'm getting an unexpected error in assembling the following code (command
line is `nasm -f elf64 tmp.s`, version 2.16.01):

  extern wait:function
  extern memcpy:function
section .text
  push rbp
  mov rbp, rsp
; ...
  mov rax, [rel memcpy wrt ..got]
  mov rax, [rel wait wrt ..got]
; ...
  mov rsp, rbp
  pop rbp

The mov referencing "memcpy" works as expected, but the one trying to to
calculate the address of "wait" (as in posix wait(2)) reports the following
tmp.s:9: error: invalid size specification in effective address
tmp.s:9: error: expression syntax error

I guess it might be related to https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/wait:fwait

Is there a syntax available to escape "wait"? Or should nasm be expected to
disambiguate that from context?

Thanks for any suggestions.
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